Friday, April 18, 2014

Before going to bed ten good habits to lose weight

Sleep is very important to reduce weight really, many of method reducing weight is closely related with sleep.And some good habit before you go to bed, can let you have a thin in his sleep through the night, wake up will not the same!Exactly what lazy people lose weight before going to bed good habit, can help you slim down?

Before sleeping to do something for the weight loss, can let you sleep all night, can also be slimming drainage.Look at what are the good habits, let you more thin!

1, Frequently to soak the foot to lose weight
Foot is the part of the grounds farthest from the heart, in the human body has much effect on the blood backflow, especially the lower body fat.Before sleeping with hot water bubble foot, fatigue, and conducive to sleep, also can thin body.Hot bubble foot can improve local blood circulation, dispelling cold, promote metabolism, and finally achieve the goal of keeping in good health to lose weight.At the same time, add bit of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in the water, can also play a role in other.

2, Yawn
Before going to bed can be a few stretch, a day to reduce fatigue is absolutely good.Stretch still can let the waist have activities, and keep the spine position correctly, make sure you sleep in the inner loop flow is not affected, make human body trash in the body by the corresponding viscera back out to the body, the body of strong and handsome and thin body.

3, Drink less
After 21 o 'clock at night, general organs of the human body has entered the sleep state, drink water more at this time, the gut must start work again to make operation, easy to disrupt the body clock, especially kidney burden heavier, let the swelling.So before bedtime drink less, can maintain the rest of the body, ensure no edema after waking up getting fat.

4, Refused to midnight snack
After eating food taken late at night, in the evening will absorb too much energy, and too much energy will be converted to fat in the body, cause obesity.Therefore, especially tube shut up, before you go to bed when you want to eat snack, transfer their attention, such as reading, watch TV, drink a little water, can prevent get fat.Rejected the snack, the body can be fully digested into dinner, not to accumulate excess fat, insist for a long time can make you more thin.

5, turn off the computer an hour earlier
Turn off the computer before going to bed at least one hour before, so I can let you wouldn't have been staring blankly at the computer, and will walk about in bed, let the body's metabolism.And find turn off the computer can reduce radiation damage, the function of the body functioning, natural won't fat, lose weight.

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